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Ability to have multiple cover-art attached to each profile
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorLord Of The Sith
Registered: March 17, 2007
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A while ago I posted a little bit of a rant of how this area stopped being for requests and was now only for what other users perceived as "reasonable requests."  As Ken seldomly participates in these conversations we can only make assumptions on what is and is not reasonable.  Some of us have been here since the Intervocative days.  At that time the software was truly cutting edge and NOTHING was better.  Fast forward to 2010/2011.  While Profiler was moving forward on some things it really was stagnating on most others.  People would jump in and make a desktop request to be beaten about the head and shoulders with messages of, 'That's stupid" or "That is impossible."  In many cases the responses were other frustrated users who had made a request that was like the one before only to be shot down by certain other people on here and some of the Trolls who come here to feed on newbies.  It is still my opinion we have lost sight of how great this software could be.  I think we need to challenge Ken to make the program that much better each time he reworks it.  This is as much OUR software as it is invelos's as we populated the database.  We put up the cover scans and the information which makes this software what it is.  There are dozens of catalogue softwares out there for DVD's do a quick search and you'll see.  We stay here because we believe our software has something the others just can't offer.  That being said.  Please search the forums for other requests reinvigorate old ones if they match what you are trying to do.  Create new threads for things not already requested and lets keep our software the best on the market.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorAddicted2DVD
Registered: March 13, 2007
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While I understand what you are saying... and I would never tell anyone they can't request anything the wish... at the same time I wholeheartedly believe that as much right as anyone has to request anything they like everyone else has that same right to post the reply to it. Whether they agree with the request or disagree with the request for whatever reason they feel.

I do however agree with you that there should be no beating over the head as you put it. Like I would never say something is stupid. To me that is just plain rude. And I would never say something is impossible... mainly because I am not a programer so I have no way to know what is possible or not. At the same time I think some people see "beating over the head" where there is none... just because people disagree with a request.

But I do think it is just as important for users to say they agree or they disagree with a request to give Ken the full picture... just how much a request is wanted or if most people don't see the need for it. This way he can judge to add it ASAP, put it on the back burner or not add it at all.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantmediadogg
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Quoting Jimmy S:
This is why PHPDVDProfiler is so great Kathy. Seriously the online presentation here leaves much to be desired and not just the cover aspect.
I haven't tried it yet. I assume one has to have a web site, correct? Is the setup and maintenance automated? How does the collection get updated?
Thanks for your support.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorMithi
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Quoting mediadogg:
I haven't tried it yet. I assume one has to have a web site, correct?

Yes, and one with PHP and mySQL.

Is the setup and maintenance automated?

Nope (or not that I'm aware of). There is a nice beginners guide for the not so trivial initial setup and a forum to ask for help.

How does the collection get updated?

Uploading the XML-Export (whole or just the updated profiles) and starting a database-update via webpage. And of course upload of the new covers. That can of course be automated to some extend. I use a batch-file for profiles updates and a ftp-client that can filter out identical files others use rsync.

cya, Mithi

PS A bit of work, but it gives you e.g. nice "last seen"-banners like
Mithi's little XSLT tinkering - the power of XML --- DVD-Profiler Mini-Wiki
 Last edited: by Mithi
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