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Invelos Forums->Posts by rdodolak Page: 1 2 3  Previous   Next
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I happened to receive a random error popup window today and when trying to submit the error to Invelos it failed. I'm guessing either there's a service not running or a port not opened on the new server and is a side effect from the server failure/rebuild process. I wonder if there's a similar issue for the incremental OPL update.
Topic Replies: 30, Topic Views: 4335
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 3204
Quoting rdodolak:
My oldest is from 30 Apr, but I have others from 9, 10 and 11 May as well.

It's kind of ridiculous that contributions from earlier this month haven't been approved but contributions submitted by some members toward the end of May have already been approved. 
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 3204
It will work, but the app is no longer available in the Google Play store. Use Samsung's Smatch Switch to transfer the app to your new phone.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 2027
There's some movement as my 30 Apr contribution was just approved and released.
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 3204
Quoting nanoron:
Titles that cannot be matches are few, and currently not imported - we are looking to extend the importer to create personal profiles for titles that cannot be matched, but we naturally cannot import covers and detailed data based on the XML only from DVD Profiler.

That technically isn't difficult to do if you have DVDProfiler installed and they know where DVDP is installed. All they have to do is copy/import the files from the current DVDProfiler location.

However, My Movies was really designed for streaming copies of your movies and the Windows interface is lacking.

Quoting nanoron:
I didn't even try since you can download Windows 10 from MS for free but you have to pay for Windows 11. Since I only run DVD Profiler using Bootcamp on my Mac, it didn't seem cost effective.

Actually, you can download Windows 11 for free from MS, and install it if you have a existing Windows 10 license. Are you saying you don't have a Windows 10 license?
Topic Replies: 43, Topic Views: 3044
Quoting nanoron:
Mediadogg: I'm not considering moving to another app because I don't like DVD Profiler. I do. I really do. I am instead looking for a viable iOS alternative, since Invelos seems to have abandoned iOS with the recent server update. While I can still use my iOS devices since I am running Windows 10 on my Intel Mac, Microsoft is abandoning Windows 10 next year. I am not a Boy Scout, but I believe in being prepared.

Can you not install Windows 11 on your Intel Mac? Despite what MS says, many older computers can run Win11.
Topic Replies: 43, Topic Views: 3044
My oldest is from 30 Apr, but I have others from 9, 10 and 11 May as well.
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 3204
Quoting widescreenforever:
The apostrophe on my keypad ,  but even ignoring the apostrophe and only using burbs won’t find it either.
My windows 10 finds it no issue.

What is the UPC/EAN and how are you searching (title field of the general filter or the add to dvd collection search)? If the former, check your settings for that field to make sure the search is set to "contains".
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 1132
Quoting ollie501:
Quoting greyghost:
Hold the Ctrl key and select Refresh Online Profile List... under the Online... tab.

This just downloads the complete online profile list, you still need to Refresh Updated Profiles as usual.

Does this fix it permanently or does it need to be done every time the list needs refreshing? TIA!

Done everytime. This doesn't fix the missing incremental files from the server side.
Topic Replies: 24, Topic Views: 4074
Quoting Rander:
Quoting FireWalkerNL:
OK, I'll wait until it's approved

Anyone have ane experience how long that takes these days? I submitted a new release on the 1st of May, and it's still pending..?

There's no real timeline as new profiles have taken anywhere from days to many weeks... sometimes even longer.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 1631
Invelos needs to update the program as even the Database Repair Utility does not fix this.  Maybe just updating the repair utility would help.  If they have already done that, how do I download a newer Repair Utility?  Do the developers even see this thread?

I don't think that would help as it's likely that the incremental update file isn't being generated on the server side.
Topic Replies: 30, Topic Views: 4335
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 1631
Likely because a new, initial contribution for 8713423556994, with Netherlands locality, was submitted on 4 May 2024 by Peter1062 and is still pending approval.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 1631
Quoting FireWalkerNL:
By title, when I try to search, I cannot find the film. not even with ean code. I have now made a contribution and I get that error message.

That's typical for the initial contribution for a new profile. Which title or EAN is it?
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 1631
Someone else already submitted the new (initial) profile. Once approved the profile will be available for updates.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 1631
Topic Replies: 51, Topic Views: 6562
Quoting GSyren:
Well, someone logs in using Ken's account, but is it actually Ken? 

Is it actually Ken's movie collection.
Topic Replies: 51, Topic Views: 6562
Ken still visits the forums whether he responds or not and Gerri stopped visiting the forums in 2021. It's clear something changed, but we don't know what. He did replace the server recently so it's clear he doesn't want to kill the software just yet. Would it be nice to have more interaction, response, and updates... sure, but unless he's willing to share any info we may never know his plans.
Topic Replies: 51, Topic Views: 6562
Quoting jurgen42u:
How about the other issues still occuring with the online database (e.g. broken profile link, broken image symbols) because of the last update? Still not solved...

Which profile links are broken?

I've noticed some profiles don't load in the Online Collection viewer. Not sure why some do, but other don't.
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 2159
Is that still the case with the incremental update because it seems to be working fine for me?
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 2159
I really depends on what is on the wrap/slip cover and that can vary sometimes from release to release. Sometimes in the credit block on the back cover they'll state a release was distributed (and/or marketed) by such and such company. In this case you'd use what is listed as is in the credit block. Other times there is no such mention.

I took a quick look at a few of my titles for the Paramount Presents line and on those copies there is no mention in the credit block. The only thing I see is the Paramount Pictures logo on the back cover and no logo of Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment or Paramount. Though there is a paragraph write up on the back that mentions "Paramount Pitures Home Entertainment is proud to spotlight..." so in that case I'd lean toward that.
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 1609
Quoting huskersports:
So, is the Online Database coming back, or......?

It's back, you can submit contributions, and contributions prior to the crash are now being approved.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 3044
Quoting GSyren:
The fact that it takes so long to fix it makes me think that Ken is not involved.

I don't believe that to be the case.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 3044
Quoting Ranavalone:
For me it appears like DVD Profiler can't download the profile list when attempting to add new profiles, but it turns out that this is not the case.

First time starting to add new profiles on a particular day, I can see the status message "Connecting to Invelos Software" with the Cancel button.

Underneath it there's a partially obscured small error message dialog box with message "Unexpected end of file".

However, I can drag the small "Unexpected end of file" dialog box to be completely visible and if I just click Ok in that dialog box, I can start entering new profiles and the details for those profiles that are already in the central DB get pulled to my local without problems.

In summary, I can add new profiles in to my local DB without problems; there's just seems to be a superfluous "end of file" error message. At least I haven't come across any issues so far.

It seems there's an online issue with the data for the OnlineProfile.dod file. If you remove, or rename, this file it should get recreated based on the data downloaded, but currently it will not. Therefore, if you don't have this file locally, you can't add new profiles.
Topic Replies: 7, Topic Views: 2508
Invelos Forums->Posts by rdodolak Page: 1 2 3  Previous   Next